Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Hardcore and Kwaito's love child - Kwaicore.

So, like, what is kwaicore bru?

Let me capture your imagination for a minute - The birth of Kwaicore. Deep in Soweto, somewhere inside Thabiso’s shebeen sat Mandoza and Bring Me The Horizon. Together they formed the unholy patronage between Kwaito and Hardcore – Kwaicore: a blistering blend of bass and breakdowns on the cutting edge of culture in South Africa. 

The culmination between kwaito and hardcore is probably one of the more unique combinations the genre machine has seen in a long time (that is if you exclude Celtic death metal). Kwaito is definable by its slower tempo, emphasized bass and R&B or rap type vocals. This genre is related to the Apartheid struggle in South Africa and the rise of Nelson Mandela. As much as kwaito represents this rags to riches idea it also represents a brotherhood and community, this is where it connects to hardcore.

 Hardcore is very much a brotherhood. It is all about community and having each other's back while flipping a bird at The Man. You can see how the two genre's might meet and generate offspring.

This is a documentary of the coupling between kwaito and hardcore. Kwaicore is here bitches.

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