Thursday, 18 April 2013

Could this be a fad?


That is a picturesque wheat field, majestically and wheatily blowing in the wind.

Look at it go.

Soon the wind will stop blowing and it won't look so whole-wheatily majestic. This is the similar effect that sudden fame and hype has on things in this world. Its just the way society copes by flushing its system off all the 'suddenly famous, suddenly irrelevant' material. Could Kwaicore be said material? Possibly.

As much as the hype launched Kwaicore off and most likely confused Google with all the sudden traffic to and from sights it could die quicker than it started. If artists don't pick up on the trend then there will be no material to catapult the genre to further success as much as Rusko can create amazing tracks and continue repping the crazy new music style it will eventually die. 

But wouldn't you love to still hear that partnership of Mandoza and Bring Me The Horizon?

I can just imagine their name up in lights.
Bring Me The Tender

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